When it rains, as it often does in Yorkshire, England, my
back aches and I remember Sicily and the treachery of a woman. I have the twin
scars, physical and mental, of the stab in the back and simultaneous shot to
the heart, that nearly ended me on the slopes of an ironically erupting Etna so
many years ago. We were supposed to be working together but work had strayed
over that invisible line into leisure, then pleasure, as I allowed myself to
let go of all sense and training, completely, for the first, and almost
certainly last, time.
Men are often accused of objectifying women, dividing them
into mere body-parts to the exclusion of their higher virtues. If they knew what I know about really dividing people into their body
parts they may not be so quick to judge. In any case Melissa Generossi was
infinitely more than any sum of her exquisite parts that you might imagine.
Italians, especially in the hot, irritably poor South, often sound like they
are arguing. As a Northerner from the shores of the lakes, she had an accent
that, when talking her own language was as an angel, laughing, but when
speaking English….. she was like a hair-trigger to the testosterzone. I was always pleased to see her and I actually
did have a pistol in my pocket (It
was a Sig Sauer 9mm automatic but that would have spoiled the alliteration) She
worked for some national anti-mafia squad and I was assigned to the case as
there were connections with the smart, young, London boys who had filled the
gap after the likes of the Krays had imploded and their ‘colleagues’ in the Met
had been routed-out. I actually knew some of them from University which in
those days was the only kind of facial-recognition available (University, eh?
And I’ll bet you thought that we were all estate-boys done good, like the SAS,
didn’t you?).
She laughed a lot, showing her perfect teeth and then
touched your arm and all the other things that I should have recognised that
she’d learnt in her the Flirting module of her Body-language course, (She would have got a ’Distinction’). Instead
and quite foolishly I’d allowed myself to think that I really was that attractive…
This not Melissa, but a young Sophia Loren. Melissa is
For these and other reasons I was heading off to Luton airport with mixed feelings.
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